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The awards plus a little bonus that added a bit of spice to the experience!

When you bring together good people, good things happen.

This is the best way to summarize my intense experience at the MSCA Conference 2024 and the MSCA Falling Walls Lab competition.

I participated in numerous workshops where the challenges researchers face were discussed, focusing on potential solutions to global challenges. As researchers, we are fortunate to receive significant support from institutions, yet simultaneously, we must constantly contend with their limitations. To thrive, we must focus on ourselves and find time for introspection. This is an essential step in finding our rightful place in society, whether within or outside academia. The importance of self-awareness was a recurring theme in the debates. This is also why early career scientists should apply for grants (see here).

In our journey to contribute to society and expand knowledge, we learn a great deal by sharing experiences and research. In this specific context, I met a group of individuals conducting cutting-edge research, whom I would like to thank for their teachings. If I were to summarize what I learned from each of them:

Mateusz Wilinski: Unbiased decision-making is crucial in effectively utilizing funds, and Physics can aid us in this, perhaps while enjoying a Newtonian apple instead of a juicy hamburger!

Sarah Schaefer: Effective communication is challenging, especially when words intertwine with sound and movement. I eagerly await seeing how your research will facilitate efficient communication!

Ferran Sancho: We cannot expect to address biological challenges without employing computer-based approaches. It’s reassuring to see exemplary uses of AI. Despite your nerves, your enthusiasm shone brightly!

Pranav Lanka: The prospect of having medical devices and care readily available in our hands is exhilarating! Thanks to you, whenever I use the torch on my smartphone, I can’t help but think of your innovation!

Greta Klejborow: There are no quick or easy solutions to significant problems (Amen to that!). I genuinely hope to see you contribute to solutions to major biomedical challenges in the future (maybe in 15 years…)!

Ines Hamouda: I admire the energy and courage you’ve put into carefully designing your career path! We could all use more panna cotta, whether for designing biomedical devices or simply enjoying a nice French-fusion-Italian dinner!

Sakhi Ghelichi: Addressing the basics of life, such as nutrition, is a powerful tool for ensuring equality! Here’s to that!

Irini Furxhi: We cannot ignore the presence of nanomaterials in our lives. The perceived dangers associated with these substances need further exploration, with the right blend of caution and humor!

Lucia Doyle: Keeping our goals in the distance is essential to staying grounded and is a powerful tool in saving our planet! Your words have never held more meaning than when you spoke them!

Carolyn Defrin: Art and its practices can restore humanity to endangered categories, and humanity is what makes life on this planet worthwhile. I look forward to seeing the impact of your passionate research!

Késia Decoté: Music permeates every aspect of life, and we should all revel in it! Exploring the frontiers of music and its enjoyment is crucial to our humanity. I’m sure sweet Louise will attend many live concerts in her life, proud of her mother’s contributions to music and women rights!

Nancy Avila: We should not take any movement in our bodies for granted, even the simple act of touching our backs with our hands. Thank you for helping me understand the miracle of the human body!

Lingeswaran Arunagiri: The possibility of creating energy from virtually nothing is truly exciting, and I could sense your excitement as well! You captivated the audience in a “dark” room with your energy.

Dinga Wonanke: Aside from envying your sponge-like hair (though not as efficient as sponges in capturing gases), I appreciated your candid approach to life! You are an inspiration to us all!

I also delivered a talk, and I hope it inspired as many people as possible. If you’re interested, you can watch it at this link around 7 hours and 12 minutes. I’m eager to hear what you’ve learned from it! (Contact me)

Apparently, both the jury and the audience found it favorable, and I’ve been graciously asked to represent MSCA actions at the global Falling Walls Lab meeting in Berlin 2024!


I am beyond excited!


Photo credit: © European Commission / Belgian Presidency Council of the European Union, 2024,

Image source: Alain Coppens /SPW

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