25/04/2024, What can we learn from spiders?, Science is Wonderful, Brussels (Belgium)
18/04/2024, Breaking the walls of the textile industry, MSCA Conference 2024, Mons (Belgium)
11/07/2023, Micro-mechanical cutting of silk fibers, GRC – Silk Proteins and the Transition to Biotechnologies, Bryant University, USA, Invited Speaker.
29/09/2022, Experimental nanomechanics of natural or artificial spider silk, GIMC SIMAI YOUNG 2022, Pavia (IT), Invited speaker.
23/09/2022, Spider silks and webs: when biomechanics matters, VIII polish arachnological conference, Katowice, Invited Speaker.
6/09/2022, The mechanical properties of spider piriform silk, AIMETA Palermo 2022, Selected Speaker.
17/09/2019, Different spider silk junctions as a tool to improve the structure efficiency of spider’s orb web., AIMETA 2019, Roma (IT), Selected speaker.
04/07/2019, The mechanics of tangle and orb webs: the comparison of two hunting behaviours, SEB Seville 2019, Seville (ES), Selected Speaker.
05/07/2018, Weibull statistics applied to spider silk, EUROMECH 2018, Bologna (IT), Selected speaker.
05/07/2018, Spiders web: an example of structure composed by multi-functional Materials, EUROMECH 2018, Bologna (IT), Selected speaker
21/09/2017, Spider Silk and its Statistical Analysis, EUROMAT 2017, Thessaloniki (GR), Selected speaker
24/07/2017, Strength of spider web junction, Sheffield Silk Conference, Sheffield (UK), Selected speaker
15/06/2017, Il Tempo della Fisica e della Biologia: una possibile congiunzione?, Tempo tra esattezza ed infinito, Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia Tor Vergata, Roma (IT), Selected speaker
02/06/2017, Statistica alimentare: un approccio oggettivo per una scelta consapevole, Next Generation Chef, Alma-Scuola Internazionale di cucina italiana, Parma (IT), Selected speaker